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Pregnancy Diary – Second Month


During the second month of pregnancy, your body is changing a great deal. You probably won’t start “showing” yet, but the development of the baby is significant. The baby’s heart will begin to divide into the 4 chambers and start pumping blood through its tiny body. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, all of your baby’s major organs will be developed. You’ll be able to see its head, which looks huge in comparison to the rest of its body. You’ll also be able to see the liver and kidneys. The baby’s fingers have also separated and gotten longer, no longer resembling a catcher’s mitt. However, the baby will only be about 30 millimeters long! Up until the end of this month, the baby is usually referred to as an embryo.

Quite a few things that are happening to your body during this time may seem to be quite irritating. They do not, however, mean that something’s wrong – things are just changing. You may have “morning sickness” where you get sick at your stomach and vomit. You’ll also continue to feel tired and tender, heavy breasts. You’ll also go to the bathroom more often. Certain smells will make you sick at your stomach, too.

Don’t panic if you have a little spotting during this time. It’s common to have some mild vaginal bleeding around the time you would normally have your period. However, if the bleeding is heavy, and especially if you have cramps, contact your doctor.

Your body is developing and circulating progesterone and estrogen in massive amounts at this time, and specialized cells in the uterine lining are secreting nutrients for the embryo. The blood volume in your body is constantly increasing, too, so even if you don’t yet have a “baby bump”, you are probably gaining some weight. Your breasts will continue to change, as well, with the areola becoming darker and possibly larger.

Hopefully, by now you have become reconciled to the idea that you are pregnant, and have an idea of some of the changes in store. But, don’t worry if you’re still scared or anxious. Each person is different, and your life experience will affect your attitude toward pregnancy. Some women have worries about past pregnancies or miscarriages, while others have no reservations. It’s good to find someone you can confide in during this time. Start a diary. It’s a great way to record your fears, thoughts, and questions, and you’ll find that you can clarify your emotions.

Make plans with the baby’s father, if possible, and consider the timing for notification to family members. It’s also time to go see the doctor. Keep eating a healthy diet. You may find that it’s easier to eat a little bit, quite often, to keep down the nausea and vomiting. Get advice on prescriptions you may be taking, and get plenty of fiber, water, and rest. You also need to get a bra that fits. This will help your comfort tremendously.

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