Pregnancy Diary – First Month
When you get pregnant, amazing things start happening to your body, even in the first month. Right after conception, the egg will become embedded in the lining of the uterus. It has been fertilized...
View ArticlePregnancy Diary – Second Month
During the second month of pregnancy, your body is changing a great deal. You probably won’t start “showing” yet, but the development of the baby is significant. The baby’s heart will begin to divide...
View ArticlePregnancy Diary – Third Month
During the third month of your pregnancy, you’ll start to “show”. Of course, the amount of visual change will depend on your body type and shape, and on how many children you’ve already had. You’ll...
View ArticlePregnancy Diary – Fourth Month
During the fourth month of pregnancy, you’ll start to really feel that this whole thing is real. You’ll be able to actually feel your uterus, because it has grown above the pelvic area. You’ve also got...
View ArticlePregnancy Diary – Fifth Month
By the fifth month of pregnancy, you may start feeling like life is more normal. The nausea has subsided, you’re looking pregnant, and your energy level is back up. The size of your uterus will depend...
View ArticlePregnancy Diary – Ninth Month
This month is the final month of your pregnancy! The baby will “drop”, or move down towards the birth canal. This allows you to breathe a little more easily, although walking may be a challenge....
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