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Pregnancy Diary – Fourth Month


During the fourth month of pregnancy, you’ll start to really feel that this whole thing is real. You’ll be able to actually feel your uterus, because it has grown above the pelvic area. You’ve also got a lot more blood circulating through your body. The shape of your chest will change, too, because your rib cage is flaring out around the lower part of the ribs.

One great development as you enter the fourth month of pregnancy is that your energy level starts to return, and the nausea subsides. During this month, you’ll start feeling physically fit, and maybe healthier than you ever have before.

Oddly enough, you may develop cravings for some foods that you have never considered before. Some women develop craving for non-food items, such as ice, chalk, and dirt. If you do, talk to a health care professional, because you may be anemic. These are signs that you have low iron in your blood.

Other changes will be in coloring, as in month 3. The areas that had started darkening will probably darken a little more. Your breasts will begin to produce colostrum, too, which is the nutrient rich food the baby will receive when it is first born. You may experience heartburn or constipation. Make sure you have plenty of fiber and water in your diet.

The placenta during this time is performing a multitude of functions. It passes nutrients to and from you and the baby. It also cycles waste from the baby back into your system, which is designed to process the extra waste. In addition, this happens without your blood mixing with that of the baby!

The baby is looking more and more like a baby, too. Its eyes have moved from the side of its head to the front, and its little ears will just about be in position. The legs are getting longer, and the baby is starting to move with more coordinated movements. You may not be able to feel it yet, but it’s there. In an ultrasound, the doctor will be able to detect eye movement. You’ll also be able to tell the sex of your baby. Little girls will already have ovaries with the beginnings of eggs.

Finally, at the 4th month, you have a definite baby bump. The baby itself is about as big as an avocado, but the surrounding amniotic fluid that cushions the baby adds bulk. The baby will also breath in and swallow amniotic fluid.

It is at this point that the doctor will start monitoring the baby’s heartbeat. You’ll also want to go to the bathroom a lot because of the pressure on your bladder. Your kidneys are also working overtime, processing the extra fluid your body is producing. Pelvic floor exercises are important to help cope with accidental leakage from your bladder. Headaches are common, too. You can take Paracetamol.

You may struggle with body image during this time. However, you may be more confident because the risk of miscarriage is reduced.

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